The new Digital Personal Data Protection Bill in India

In this PrivacyEspresso, Stephen Mathias from the law firm Kochhar and Co (exclusive PrivacyRules member for India) discusses the very recent Privacy Bill presented by the Indian Government.

Unexpectedly, this is an entirely new draft compared to its previous versions and is much shorter and simpler. Also, it departs substantially from the GDPR model, unlike many other upcoming proposals we have reviewed internationally.

Additionally, a key element Stephen focuses on regards the grounds for processing personal data. Even if consent remains the main ground, the law provides additional ones but in a way where there are still some uncertainties that should be removed. This is particularly true considering that some of these routes will likely become the most important ways to be taken by businesses that do not wish to go down the consent route.

Stephen also touches upon the relevant international issues related to data transfer and localisation and their differences.

Finally, he offers an overview of the new penalties and provides a forecast on the next step of this new bill till its implementation.

Sounds interesting? Watch this privacy espresso to learn more!
