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John Davidson wrote an editorial on the Financial Review, where he argued that cyberinsurance is getting more complex and insurances are asking more invasive and intrusive questions as result of ‘dumb’ claims by companies. The author suggested to rather make cyberinsurance claims as last resort. Read the article here.

EKZ Bibliotheksservice, one of the largest library services in Germany, has suffered a ransomware attack blocking eBooks, audio books, and electronic magazines. The public cannot order books and other materials from EKZ presently. The LockBit criminals have announced to have published EKZ stolen data on the dark web, presumably as the ransomware hasn’t been paid. ...

The Office of Information Security of the US Department of Health and Human Services  (HHS) has released a report providing insights into the May 2021 Conti ransomware attack on the Health Service Executive (HSE) in Ireland. With the report, the HHS’s Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) provides advice for US healthcare and public health...


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