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The blossoming of AI used as a business application, combined with the upcoming EU regulations in the field, are compelling many European data protection authorities to build dedicated units. The CNIL, the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens and the ICO have already started! Read More

The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) published a report on the business value of proper privacy cultures entitled ‘Building better business by responsibly unlocking the value of personal information’. The ICO scope is to encourage the UK small-and-medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to check if they have the right data protection practices in place to help sustain...

The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published details of data breaches, complaints and civil investigations on its website here. The ICO underlines that it made the information available proactively in line with its commitment to being open and transparent about its work and policies. Certainly, such transparency increases data privacy corporate responsibility and the...

The UK government has published its response to the consultation on the Data Reform Bill that was opened in September 2021. The Government intends to adopt several changes to boost businesses while protecting consumers’ personal data. With a series of measures, the Government would improve data protection standards, reform the UK DPA institution (Information Commissioner’s...

The press release of the UK Information Commissioner Office (ICO) informs that the Commissioner has called on the criminal justice sector to immediately stop collecting excessive amounts of personal information from victims of rape and serious sexual assault cases. The call is published in a Commissioner’s Opinion which informs the sector how to use victims’ personal...

Stephen Bonner, UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Executive Director of Regulatory Futures and Innovation stated that the ICO welcomes the “news of Google’s revised approach to cookie consent. It’s a change we’ve been seeking through our ongoing discussions with Google and broader adtech work. The new ‘reject all’ option gives consumers greater control and balance...


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