HighlightsPrivacy espresso seriesResourcesJuly 13, 2023Brazilian ANPD first fine for violation of the LGPD ShareREAD MORE
HighlightsPrivacy espresso seriesResourcesJuly 6, 2023The importance of synthetic data in data privacy ShareREAD MORE
HighlightsPrivacy espresso seriesResourcesJune 29, 2023From the Optus/Medibank Data Breach to the Privacy Reforms in Australia ShareREAD MORE
HighlightsResourcesWebinarsJune 28, 2023PIPL compliance – DOING Data Business in and out of china ShareREAD MORE
HighlightsPrivacy espresso seriesResourcesJune 22, 2023Overview of the DORA regulation ShareREAD MORE
HighlightsPrivacy espresso seriesResourcesJune 15, 2023EU framework series, episode 2: The NIS II and its step forward from the NIS ShareREAD MORE
HighlightsPrivacy espresso seriesResourcesJune 8, 2023EU framework series, episode 1: The Artificial Intelligence Act ShareREAD MORE
HighlightsPrivacy espresso seriesResourcesJune 1, 2023ANPD new guideline on minors data processing ShareREAD MORE