Israeli DPO Forum Conference, 15.8.2022

The PrivacyRules Israeli members at Pearl Cohen announce the first gathering of the Israeli DPO Forum!

The forum is intended to be a professional framework for learning and professional development through activities and lectures for DPOs in Israel. A place for common questions, discussions, and exchange of opinions. The forum is an initiative of Haim Ravia, Chair of Cyber, Privacy and Copyright Group in Pearl Cohen, in collaboration with Attorney Dr. Avishai Klein (the DPO of Amdocs Israel) and Attorney Rona Carp (the DPO of Fiverr). It was created especially for those whose position in the organization is defined as DPO. At the first and celebratory meeting of the forum, which will be taking place at our Tel Aviv Office, we will host Keith Enright, the Chief Privacy Office of Google Global, for a unique session that will include Q&A.


Monday | 15.8.2022 | 17:00 | Azrieli Sarona Tower – 53rd Floor | 121 Menachem Begin Rd. Tel Aviv