Members’ updatesJuly 7, 2022

Derecho al olvido: la Corte Suprema rechaza demanda contra buscador

Artículo sobre la sentencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia en el caso “Denegri c/Google” escrito por nuestro perito argentino Mariano Peruzzotti. Lee más aquí.

Our legal expert from Argentina, Mariano Peruzzotti, comments on a decision of the Argentinian Supreme Court which, on 28 June 2022, rejected a ruling that had admitted the right to be forgotten in a claim filed against Google. Previously, the Court of Appeals had ordered the search engine to proceed to de-index certain contents referring to events that had occurred more than 20 years ago. According to the plaintiff, these contents affected her privacy and dignity. Find the article, in English, here.