Data protection in the Philippines: overview and recent changes

In this privacyespresso episode, our Alessandro Di Mattia interviews the PrivacyRules expert for the Philippines Franco Aristotle G. Larcina, from the law firm SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan, on the latest developments of the #privacy framework in his country.

Firstly, Franco provides a background of #dataprotection stage in the Philippines, indicating the most relevant regulations and the latest developments.

Secondly, the expert focuses on the recent circular issued by the National Privacy Commission (#NPC) and the key elements and changes this has brought to the abovementioned framework. Special attention is paid to the new needs and requirements that companies have to handle, such as:

– register as personal information #controllers (‘PICs’) and personal information #processors (‘PIPs’)
– appoint a Data Protection Officer (#DPO)

To conclude, Franco underlines the relevant new interpretation provided with the circular on who can be appointed as a DPO, and the importance for companies to renew their registration under the actual circular, as registrations made in 2022 would not be valid anymore.
