Will you be in Lisbon on Monday, October 31? Do you want to learn more about privacy and data protection in the fintech and banking sectors?
Join the PrivacyRules Alliance team in this expert roundtables at our Portuguese law firm member, Morais Leitão, in Rua Castilho 165, 1070-050 Lisboa.
The event opens at 13.00 with a light lunch, and the first roundtable starts at 14.30. In conclusion, a cocktail reception will allow to mingle with our experts from all over the world.
To register, contact the team of Morais Leitão at [email protected]
Are you going to the web summit on 1-4 November? Let’s meet there! Contact us at [email protected] or text our Legal & Executive Officer Alessandro Di Mattia on the websummit app or LinkedIn directly.