Cookie law in Hong Kong vs. the EU-GDPR

Following up on the recent article made by the PrivacyRules expert for the Hong Kong jurisdiction, Padraig Walsh from Tanner De Witt, he and our Executive Officer, Alessandro Di Mattia, recorded this privacy espresso to compare the Hong Kong cookie law with the EU one.

Thanks to this session, you will learn that the two laws are similar but not the same for a variety of reasons, starting from the different definition given to “personal data” by this law compared to the gdpr. Such a distinction opens up relevant differences in the way in which the tracking technologies need to be approached and controlled in one country and in the other.

Moreover, Pádraig underlines the different and more technology-agnostic approach of the Hong Kong Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC), not limiting this law to the usage of cookies, but extending it to any “online identifier”, meaning to any technology capable of tracking and collecting personal data.