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The US media channel CNBC reports that the US Chamber of Commerce would be against the US Congress moving forward with the proposed American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA). The American Data Privacy and Protection Act “as drafted is unworkable and should be rejected,” the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wrote in a draft letter...

The Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen) published an annual report on the supervision of cookies and similar technologies in 2021, which shows the results of the subject-based supervision of the 100 most visited Danish websites and health websites. In the surveillance conducted, between almost 40 and over 50 percent of the websites violated the cookie rules. In...

PrivacyRules Hong Kong legal member Tanner De Witt informs that on 12 May 2022 the Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (“PCPD”) published new guidance on recommended model contractual clauses for cross-border transfers of personal data (“Model Contractual Clauses Guidance”). This supplements prior guidance published by the PCPD on cross-border personal data transfers in...

The US based Shields Health Care Group (SHCG) reported a healthcare cyberattack impacting about 2 million patients who received various kinds of health services at more than 30 locations across New England. SHCG discovered suspicious activity on its network on 28 March 2022, related to access to certain of its systems from March 7 to...

Samantha Hogg-Brandjes, Managing Director of GinjaNinja which is a public relations and crisis communication firm that joined PrivacyRules from South Africa, published an article on ADComm on how to build trust with the power of effective public relations. Samantha explains that distrust is common-place today and businesses need to acknowledge the elephant in the room...