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TechWire Asia reports that the SafetyDetectives revealed that Malaysian point of sale (POS) and management software provider StoreHub, had unprotected servers in Singapore. The servers contained over 1.7 billion records, with over 1 TB of data of about one million customers including personal identifiable information (PII). The servers were protected shortly after the revelation from...

  We are pleased to announce that the With Global Alliance – an international network of expert technology PR agencies – is joining the PrivacyRules . Thanks to this partnership, the PrivacyRules network of leading law firms, cybersecurity/data services firms and communications experts continues to expand its services as the one-stop-shop solution to manage privacy...

The federal government of Canada has presented a bill by which it would compel companies in the energy, telecommunications, finance, and transportation sectors to either increase their cybersecurity systems or face expensive penalties in case of a breach. The bill is entitled Act Respecting Cyber Security and was presented by Canadian Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne...

A research by Recorded Future’s Inskit Group has analysed the spike in cyber attacks against Latin American institutions between January and May 2022. It suggests that those institutions were easy targets for ransomware attackers due to lack of proper cybersecurity hygiene in the region. The research concludes that those cyber attacks “could constitute a credible national...

With the Provisional Measure No. 1,124 amending the Brazilian General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD), the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) becomes independent from the Presidency Office. The Measure is already in force, while it will have to be converted in law by the National Congress. The Measure does not change the authority and...